皮膚科是醫學上治療皮膚疾病的專門分支。 皮膚病學是研究皮膚的結構、功能和疾病的學科,在廣義上,還包含對頭髮、指甲、趾甲疾病的治療。中國歷史上有關皮膚病的記載,至少有3000年。1801年,第一次真正意義的皮膚病學校在巴黎聖路易醫院開創。皮膚病的書籍也出現在該時期。
英文疾病名稱 | 中文疾病名稱 |
Abscess, cellultis or lymphadenitis | 膿瘍,蜂窩組織炎或淋巴腺炎 |
Acanthosis nigricans | 黑棘皮症 |
Acne | 痤瘡 |
Actinic keratosis | 日光性角化病 |
Alopecia and hair loss | 禿 |
Alopecia areata | 圓禿 |
Amyloidosis | 類澱粉樣變性 |
Angioneurotic edema | 血管神經性水腫 |
Angular cheilitis | 口角炎 |
Aphthous ulcer | 口瘡 |
Balanoposthitis | 龜頭包皮炎 |
Basal cell carcinoma | 基底細胞癌 |
Bed sore | 褥瘡 |
Bowen's disease | 波文氏病 |
Bullous dermatosis | 水泡性皮膚病 |
Burn | 燒傷 |
Candidiasis | 念珠菌病 |
Carbuncle and furuncle | 癰及癤 |
Caterpillar dermatitis | 毛蟲皮膚炎 |
Cellulitis | 蜂窩組織炎 |
Chickenpox | 水痘 |
Chloasma | 黑斑 ,肝斑 |
Chronic ulcer of lower limb | 下肢慢性潰瘍 |
Condyloma acuminatum & verruca | 病毒性疣 |
Congenital anomalies of the integument | 外皮畸形 |
Corn and tylosis | 雞眼及胼胝 |
Dermatitis,generalized(allergic)(contact)(occupational) | 全身性,接觸性,職業性之濕疹 |
Dermatitis,artefacta | 人工皮膚炎 |
Dermatitis,atopic | 異位性皮膚炎 |
Dermatitis,seborrheic | 脂漏性皮膚炎 |
Delusion of parasitosis | 寄生蟲忘想症 |
Dermatosis | 皮膚疾病 |
Dermatomyositis | 皮肌炎 |
Dermatophytosis(Tinea),excluding nail | 皮癬菌病 |
Drug erupition | 藥物及藥劑所致之皮膚病 |
Dyschromia & pigmentation | 異色症 |
Eczema nummulare | 錢幣形濕疹 |
Epidermal cyst | 表皮囊腫 |
Erythema multiforme | 多形性紅斑 |
Erythema nodosum | 結節性紅斑 |
Flushing, postmenopausal | 潮紅,停經或女性更年期之病狀 |
Folliculitis, pustular | 其他毛髮及毛囊疾病 |
Foreign body granuloma of the skin and soft tissue | 皮膚及皮下組織異物肉芽腫 |
Granuloma pyogenicum | 化膿性肉芽腫 |
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease | 手,足及口病 |
Hematoma and contusion | 血腫及挫傷 |
Hemorrhoid | 痔瘡 |
Herpes zoster | 帶狀泡疹 |
Herpes simplex | 單純性泡疹 |
Herpes zoster, ophthalmicus | 眼部帶狀泡疹 |
Herpes zoster, perianal | 薦部帶狀泡疹 |
Hyperhidrosis | 多汗症 |
Impetigo | 膿痂疹 |
Ingrowing nail | 內生指(趾)甲 |
Insect bite | 昆蟲咬傷 |
Intertrigo | 對磨疹 |
Keloid and Hypertrophic scar | 蟹足腫及增生瘢痕 |
Keratoderma(congenital)(palmaris et plantaris)(symmetrical) | 角皮病 |
Lichen pilaris | 毛孔苔蘚(毛孔角化症) |
Lichenification & lichen simplex chronicus | 苔癬化及慢性單純苔癬 |
Lupus erythematous(discoid) | 盤狀紅斑性狼瘡 |
Lupus erythematous(systemic) | 全身紅斑性狼瘡 |
Lymphadenopathy | 淋巴腺病 |
Melanoma of skin | 皮膚惡性黑色素瘤 |
Miliaria(crystallina,rubra,pustulosa) | 痱子 |
Milium | 粟丘疹 |
Molluscum contagiosum | 觸染性軟疣 |
Morphea(guttate;linear) | 局限性硬皮症 |
Nail disease | 指(趾)甲病 |
Neoplasm, skin, benign (including nevus) | 皮膚良性腫廇 |
Neoplasm, scalp, benign | 頭皮良性腫瘤 |
Neoplasm, head, malignant | 頭部惡性腫瘤 |
Neoplasm, face, benign | 臉部良性腫瘤 |
Neoplasm, face, malignant | 臉部惡性腫瘤 |
Neoplasm, male genital organs, penis, benign | 陰莖,男性生殖器官良性腫瘤 |
Neoplasm, penis, malignant | 陰莖惡性腫瘤 |
Neoplasm, male genital organs, scrotum, benign | 陰囊,男性生殖器官良性腫瘤 |
Neoplasm, scrotum, malignant | 陰囊惡性腫瘤 |
Neoplasm, skin, malignant | 皮膚惡性腫瘤 |
Onychomycosis | 甲癬 |
Osmidrosis | 臭汗症(狐臭) |
Panniculitis | 脂層炎 |
Paronychia | 甲溝炎 |
Pediculosis pubis | 陰蝨侵染 |
Pemphigus | 天皰瘡 |
Pemphigoid | 類天皰瘡 |
Perniosis | 凍瘡 |
Pityriasis alba | 白糠疹 |
Pityriasis rosea | 玫瑰糠疹 |
Pompholyx | 掌蹠汗泡疹 |
Postherpetic neuralgia(intercostal) | 帶狀泡疹併其他神經系統合併症 |
Prurigo nodularis | 結節性癢疹 |
Pruritus and prurigo simplex | 皮癢症及單純性癢疹 |
Pregnancy complication | 妊娠期併發症,住院為治療產前合併症或狀況 |
Psoriasis | 乾癬 |
Pyoderma and bacterial infection of skin | 膿皮病及皮膚細菌感染 |
Rosacea | 酒渣 |
Scabies | 疥癬(疥瘡) |
Seborrheic keratosis | 脂漏性角化病 |
Senile dermatosis and degeneration or calcinosis | 皮膚退化疾患 |
Soft fibroma | 軟纖維瘤 |
Sunburn | 曬傷 |
Syphilis, secondary(skin or mucosa) | 第二期(續發性)皮膚或粘膜梅毒 |
Tattoo | 紋身 |
Tinea versicolor | 變色糠疹(汗斑) |
Toxic erythema | 毒性紅斑 |
Urticaria | 蕁麻疹 |
Urticaria,chronic | 慢性蕁麻疹 |
Vasculitis | 脈管炎 |
Viral exanthemata | 病毒性發疹症 |
Vitiligo | 白斑 |
Wound | 開放性傷口 |
Acute upper respiratory infection | 急性上呼吸道感染 |
Allergic rhinitis | 過敏性鼻炎 |
Arthralgia | 關節痛 |
Ddiabetes mellitus | 糖尿病 |
Functional digestive disorders | 功能性腸胃障礙 |
Gout | 痛風 |
Hypertension | 高血壓 |
Insomnia | 失眠 |
Peptic ulcer | 消化性潰瘍 |
Renal failure, chronic | 慢性腎衰竭 |