




英文疾病名稱 中文疾病名稱
Inflammatory disease of cervix, vagina and vulva 子宮頸,陰道,及女陰之炎症
Inflammatory disease of uterus 子宮炎症(子宮頸除外)
Inflammatory disease of ovary, fallopian tube, pelvic cellular tissue and peritoneum (PID) 卵巢,輸卵管,骨盆蜂窩組織及腹膜之炎症
Leukorrhoea 白帶
Pruritus of genital organ 生殖器官瘙癢
Cyst of Bartholin's gland 巴氏腺囊腫
Abscess of Bartholin's gland 巴氏腺膿瘍
Ulceration of vulva 女陰潰瘍
Trichomoniasis 滴蟲病
Candidiasis 念珠菌病
Prolapse of vaginal walls 陰道壁脫垂
Prolapse of uterus 子宮脫垂
Cystocele, urethrocele or rectocele 膀胱尿道或直腸膨出
Salpingitis and oophoritis 輸卵管炎及卵巢炎
Cervical erosion and ectropion 子宮頸糜爛及外翻
Dysplasia of cervix (CIN lesion) 子宮頸細胞化生不良
Endometrial hyperplasia 子宮內膜增生
Dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) 子宮功能不良性出血
Cervical polyp 子宮頸息肉
Cervical stricture 子宮頸狹窄
Endometriosis 子宮內膜異位
Fistula involving female genital organ 女性生殖道廔管
Congenital anomalies of genital organ 生殖器官先天畸型
Doubling of uterus 雙子宮
Amenorrhea 無月經症
Dysmenorrhea 痛經症
Irregular menstrual cycle 月經週期不規則
Menorrhagia 月經過多
Oligomenorrhea, hypomenorrhea 月經過少
Premenstrual tension syndrome 經前期緊張徵候群
Post-menopausal bleeding 停經後出血
Menopausal syndrome 更年期徵候群
Post-menopausal atrophic vaginitis 停經後萎縮性陰道炎
Benign ovarian tumor 卵巢良性腫瘤
Corpus luteum cyst or hematoma 黃體囊腫或血腫
Ovarian cyst 卵巢囊腫
Benign breast tumor 乳房良性腫瘤
Benign uterine tumor 子宮良性腫瘤
Myoma uterine 子宮肌瘤
Carcinoma in situ, III 子宮頸原位癌
Carcinoma of cervix 子宮頸癌
Carcinoma of endometrium 子宮內膜癌
Disorder of other female genital organs 其他女性生殖器官疾病
Dyspareunia 性交痛
Ovarian failure 卵巢衰竭
Polycystic ovary 卵巢多囊性囊腫
Dysplasia of vagina 陰道細胞化生不良
Vaginal stricture 陰道狹窄
Carcinoma of vagina 陰道癌
Carcinoma of vulva 女陰癌
Carcinoma of ovary 卵巢癌
Torsion of ovarian cyst 卵巢囊腫扭轉
Venereal disease 性病
Pelvic adhesions 骨盆腔粘黏
Vulva dystrophy 女陰發育不良
Vulva and perineum non-inflammatory disorder 女陰及會陰之非炎性疾患
Hyperprolactinemia 激乳素過多
Tubal obstruction 輸卵管阻塞
Hydrosalpinx 輸卵管積水
Anovulation 無排卵
Ovarian dysfunction 卵巢功能障礙
Legally induced abortion 合法之人工流產
Illegally induced abortion 非法之人工流產
Abortion, complete 完全流產
Abortion, incomplete 不完全流產
Aboriton, missed 過期流產
Abortion, threatened 迫切流產
Habitual abortion 習慣性流產
Spontaneous abortion 自然流產
Artificial abortion 人工流產(合法)
Blighted ovum 靜止卵
Intrauterine fetal death < 22 wks 子宮內胎兒死亡(小於22週)
Intrauterine fetal death > 22 wks 子宮內胎兒死亡(大於22週)
Cervical incompetence 子宮頸官能不足
Antepartum hemorrhage (APH) 產前出血
Abortion complication 流產後之併發症
Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) 產後出血
Ectopic pregnancy 子宮外孕
Placenta previa 前置胎盤
Placenta abruption 胎盤早期剝離
Pre-eclampsia 子癇前症
Eclampsia 子癇
Abnormal glucose tolerance test 妊娠期醣耐量試驗異常
Cesarean section (C/S) or perineal wound infection or hematoma 剖腹產或會陰切開傷口之感染或出血
Mastitis 乳房炎
Post partum endometritis 產後子宮內膜炎
Pregnancy—weeks, admission for induction, undelivered 引產(未生產)
Pregnancy—weeks and acute abdomen, undelivered 妊娠合併急性腹痛
Breech presentation, undelivered 臂位產(未生產)
Pregnancy weeks with congenital fetal anomaly, undelivered 妊娠合併先天性胎兒異常(未生產)
Dysfunctional labor, undelivered 功能不良性分娩(未生產)
Failed induction, undelivered 引產失敗(未生產)
Gestational diabetes mellitus (DM), undelivered 妊娠糖尿病(未生產)
Hyperemesis gravidarum, undelivered 妊娠劇吐(未生產)
Large for gestational age, undelivered 胎兒生長過度(未生產)
Small for gestational age, undelivered 胎兒生長不良(未生產)
Malpresentation, undelivered 胎位異常(未生產)
Pregnancy and mole, undelivered 葡萄胎
Pregnancy and obstructed labor, undelivered 阻礙性分娩(未生產)
Oligohydramnios, undelivered 羊水過少(未生產)
Polyhydramnios, undelivered 羊水過多(未生產)
Prolonged Pregnancy, undelivered 過期妊娠(未生產)
Premature rupture of membranes (PROM), undelivered 早期破水(未生產)
Preterm labor, undelivered 早產 ( >22 wks, <37wks )(未生產)
Preterm labor, undelivered 早產 ( >37wks )(未生產)
Previous cesarean section (C/S), undelivered 以前剖腹生產(未生產)
Pregnancy in anemia 妊娠合併貧血(未生產)
Pregnancy and upper respiratory infections 妊娠合併上呼吸道感染(未生產)
Pregnancy and urinary tract infection 妊娠合併泌尿道感染(未生產)
Pregnancy and myoma of uterus 妊娠合併子宮肌瘤(未生產)
Pregnancy test 未確定驗孕試驗
Antepartum examination (Supervision of other normal pregnancy) 產前檢查
Routine postpartum follow-up 產後例行追蹤檢查
Reinsertion or removal of intrauterine contraceptive device 子宮內避孕重裝置及移除
Insertion of intrauterine contraceptive device 子宮內避孕裝置之植入
Sterilization 結紮
Tuboplasty 輸卵管整型
Checkup 成人健檢
Routine infant or child health check 兒童及嬰幼兒例行性健康檢查
Follow for report result 看報告解釋病情
Issue of medical certificates 開立診斷証明書
Abdominal pain 腹痛
Abnormal liver function test 肝功能檢驗異常
Acute bronchiolitis 急性細支氣管炎
Acute bronchitis 急性支氣管炎
Acute cystitis 急性膀胱炎
Acute gastroenteritis 急性腸胃炎
Acute pharyngitis 急性咽炎
Acute tonsillitis 急性扁桃腺炎
Adhesion ileus 腸塞粘連
Anemia 貧血
Anxiety 焦慮症
Asthma 氣喘
Athropathies 關節病變
Bacterial infection 細菌感染
Carcinoma of breast 乳癌
Cerebrovascular disease 腦血管疾病
Chickenpox 水痘
Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis 慢性肝病(571.9)及肝硬化
Chronic pharyngitis 慢性咽炎
Chronic rhinitis 慢性鼻炎
Chronic sinusitis 慢性鼻竇炎
Condyloma accuminata 病毒性尖錐濕疣
Conjunctivitis 結膜炎
Constipation 便祕
Contact dermatitis 接觸性皮膚炎
Dermatophytosis 髮癬菌病
Diabetes mellitus (DM) 糖尿病
Diarrhea 腹瀉
Disease due to viruses and chlamydiae 病毒及衣原菌所致之疾病
Disease of breast 乳房疾患
Disease of esophagus 食道疾病
Disease of respiratory system 呼吸系統之疾病
Disorder of back 背部疾患
Disorder of eye 眼疾患
Disorder of eyelid 眼瞼疾患
Disorder of joint 關節疾患
Disorder of skin and subcutaneous tissue 皮膚及皮下組織之疾患
Disorders of male genital organs 男性生殖器官之疾患
Dyspnea 呼吸困難
Dysuria 小便困難
Eczema 濕疹
Emphysema 肺氣腫
Essential hypertension 自發性高血壓
Fever of unknown origin (FUO) 不明熱
Frequency of urination 頻尿
Functional digestive disorders 功能性消化道疾病
Functional disorders of bladder 膀胱功能疾患
Functional gastrointestinal disorder 腸胃道功能障礙
General symptoms 一般徵候
Gout 痛風
Granuloma inguinale 鼠蹊腹股溝肉芽腫
Headache 頭痛
Hemorrhoid 痔瘡
Herpes simplex 單純性皰疹
Herpes zoster 帶狀皰疹
Hyperlipidemia 高脂質血症
Hypertensive heart disease 高血壓性心臟病
Hyperthyroidism 甲狀腺機能亢進
Hyperuricemia 高尿酸血症
Hypothyroidism 甲狀腺官能不足
Incisional hernia 切口腹壁疝氣
Infection of kidney 腎感染
Infertility, female 女性不孕症
Infertility, male 男性不孕症
Influenza 流行性感冒
Insomnia 失眠
Intestinal obstruction 腸阻塞
Intrauterine synechiae 子宮內粘連
Iron deficiency anemia 缺鐵性貧血
Lower abdominal pain 下腹痛
Lymphogranuloma venereum 花柳性淋巴肉芽腫
Muscle spasm 肌肉痙攣
Nephrotic syndrome 腎徵候群
Neurosis 神經官能症
Nutritional deficiencies 營養缺乏
Obesity 肥胖症
Open wound of elbow, forearm and wrist 肘關節前臂及腕之關節開放性傷口
Open wound of fingers 手指開放性傷口
Open wound of foot 足部開放性傷口
Open wound of hand 手開放性傷口
Open wound of knee, leg and ankle 膝,小腿及足踝開放性傷口
Oral ulcer 口腔潰瘍
Osteoporosis 骨質疏鬆症
Peptic ulcer 消化性潰瘍
Pneumonia 肺炎
Post-operative hemorrhage 手術後出血
Post-operative wound infection 手術後傷口感染
Rheumatoid arthritis 類風濕性關節炎
Rubella 德國麻疹
Sebaceous cyst of female genital organs 女性生殖器官皮脂囊腫
Secondary hypertension 續發性高血壓
Sepsis 敗血症
Sprain/strain 拉傷
Syphilis 梅毒
Systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE) 全身紅斑性狼瘡
Thalassemia 地中海型貧血
Tinea coporis 體癬
Tinea cruris 股癬
Tinea pedis 香港腳
Upper respiratory tract infections (URI) 上呼吸道感染
Uremia 尿毒症
Urethritis 尿道炎
Urinary stone 尿路結石
Urinary tract infection (UTI) 尿道感染
Urogenital gonorrhea, acute 急性泌尿生殖道淋病
Urticaria 蕁麻疹
Vertigo 眩暈
Viral hepatitis 病毒性肝炎
Viral wart 病毒性疣

婦科學是一門研究女性在非孕期生殖系統(例如子宮、卵巢、輸卵管或陰道等)的生理病理改變,並對其進行診斷,處理的臨床醫學學科。婦科學通常包括婦科學基礎(女性一生生理變化、月經生理、女性生殖內分泌等)、女性生殖器炎症(外陰炎、陰道炎、宮頸炎,子宮炎、附件炎、盆腔炎、性傳染疾病等)、 女性生殖器腫瘤(外陰、陰道、宮頸、子宮、輸卵管、卵巢等良惡性腫瘤等)、生殖內分泌疾病(功能失調性子宮出血、閉經、多囊卵巢綜合征、痛經、絕境綜合征等)、女性生殖器官損傷性疾病(子宮脫垂、生殖道瘺、壓力性尿失禁等)、女性生殖器官發育異常及先天畸形、女性其他生殖疾病(子宮內膜異位症、子宮腺肌病、不孕症)等。 
